Acupuncture home visits

Home Visits

Janine Jones can make home visits. Whilst it is desirable to be treated in the clinic, where all equipment is available to hand, for some this is impossible for reasons of reduced mobility. Janine has considerable experience of treating people in their own home – this includes residential care and nursing homes.


Treatment Standard Price
Initial Consultation £85.00
Subsequent session 45 minutes* £75.00

*See below for details of package discounts

Appointment Packages

5 Appointments

A £30.00 discount when 5 appointments are booked and paid for in advance – this applies to follow up appointments.

10 Appointments

A £75.00 discount when 10 appointments are booked and paid for in advance – this applies to follow up appointments of 45 minutes.

If you wish to discuss this further, whether it is for yourself, a family member or a friend, do phone Janine Jones on 01932 827222.

See our main fees and payments page.

Conditions which may respond to acupuncture